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Wasting perhaps too much time on optimizing assets in Jekyll

- But having a little fun in the process

09 Jun 2019

Due to a severe lack of things to do while my partner studies for her final exam for the semester, I decided to take a stab at making a personal web site. It started out as a very simple project, consisting of one HTML file, one CSS file, a font loaded from Google Fonts and some icons from Font Awesome. The page was to be hosted on Github Pages, mostly because I had never tried it out. To develop, I used one of the neat aliases I’ve accumulated over the years: serve. It looks like this:

alias serve="python3 -m http.server"

Running it causes $(pwd) to be served on http://localhost:8000. A simple trick that sometimes comes in handy.

Finally, it needed a domain, and voila: oscarnylander.dev was born.

The problem

Now, being a developer, I could of course not stop myself there. The page seemed to load fine and all, but I noticed when inspecting that my assets were naturally not minified. So, as always, I decided to see if someone else had a satisfying solution to the problem at hand: minifying un-minified code served on a Github Page (without having to check in the minified code).

From that research I learned a few things:

  1. Github Pages runs on Jekyll. I had heard about Jekyll before, I knew it was a static site generator written in Ruby, but I did not know much more.
  2. Github Pages runs a restricted version of Jekyll which does not allow you access to all the plugins that could normally be used to modify the behaviour of Jekyll. This could prove to be problematic.

Suggestions to remedy the problem of not having access to Jekyll plugins included having a separate repository where the underlying code lived and then pushing the artifacts of the build to the repository that served the Github Page. This seemed a rather inelegant solution, and for the very slight benefit of serving marginally smaller assets one that I would prefer not to use.


After searching a bit more I stumbled upon jekyll-compress-html, a solution written purely in the templating language employed by Jekyll: Liquid. Since this solution did not require any external plugins to be employed, it could be used without any problems with Github Pages. Fantastic! I added it right away.

Integration was straight forward: you simply had to download the Liquid template, and use it as a layout for what you actually wanted to serve. Sort of like a filter, if you will.

This did of course require me to refactor the site to a Jekyll-like structure and install the Github Pages-variant of Jekyll locally though. This was not that challenging, Github Pages does offer decent documentation on how to do this.

The out-of-the-box settings were mostly good, but I noticed that not all of the spaces that were used for indentation were completely stripped. I guess they could in some cases carry some significance. Solving this was fairly simple, though. I simply added the following section in the Jekyll _config.yml:

  clippings: all

And the white space was gone. Superb!


Now, on to the CSS!

Since there was essentially no CSS included on the site and as I had already set up Jekyll, I figured I might as well inline the CSS. This could be achieved by placing the CSS in an _includes-directory and then including it when building the page like this:

<style>{% include style.css %}</style>

jekyll-html-compress did take care of some of the minifying of the inlined styles, but not all. There were still a few white spaces that were not needed, and that simply would not do! So I went looking for alternative solutions. I then learned that Jekyll has out-of-the-box support for Sass, and can minify the Sass files it processes. Fantastic! As SCSS is a superset of CSS, I could then rename the CSS file from style.css to style.scss and update the inlining snippet to be the following:

{% capture inline_css %}
    {% include style.scss %}
{% endcapture %}
{{ inline_css | scssify }}

and adding the following section to the _config.yml:

  style: compressed

And all of a sudden, there was no longer any white space in the inlined CSS. Marvelous!

The Payoff

As I did not perform proper measurements of the size right before and right after enabling all the fixes, it’s not entirely straight forward to say how much impact these steps actually had on the final result, or if it would have mattered at all post-gzipping, which Github Pages does enable by default. However, I did test the page in Lighthouse in the Chrome Dev Tools, and can proudly say that my page has 100 in all categories (except for PWA which I don’t necessarily care about). Nice!